Monday, May 20, 2013

Month 4 day 12: Tandoori chicken and bulgur salad

Today I made:
Chicken Tandoori, Food Network Magazine May 2010
Black Bean, Edamame and Wheat Berry Bulgur Salad, Food Network Magazine May 2010 (Recipe from an ad! For Pompeian red wine vinegar)

Today I destroyed:
One pyrex "no-leak lids" tupperware
One wine glass

What am I to do without G here? When I went to grab a container to put the leftovers in, a pyrex container went flying across the room, exploding into an extraordinary number of shards, which flew into the air, landing on such high-up objects as a sofa (~2') and the top of the microwave (~3'). Within minutes of cleaning that mess up, I reached for a new tupperware, plastic this time-- and in the process knocked over a wine glass, which broke in such a way that half of the shards ended up in the yogurt sauce. Normally G is in charge of handling tupperware, which are housed on a shelf that I usually can reach, but apparently not well enough (>_<)

Anyway, so the food. I used less chicken than called for, because I didn't like the idea of myself eating 2.5 lbs of chicken over the next two days by myself. I made the full amount of sauce, though. I think the sauce was a little too liquidy, or the chicken was after being soaked with lemon juice, because the sauce didn't particularly stick to the chicken. It tasted pretty good though. We made tandoori-spiced chicken a long time ago, but I don't remember which was better. I suppose the recipes are kind of similar, except for the tomato sauce and coriander in this one. I'm going to guess this one was better and keep this recipe too.

A couple of days ago I had intended to make this salad, but we didn't have time to fully make it. We cooked the bulgur but didn't do anything else, and a massive amount of bulgur has just been waiting in our fridge. It has beans and tomatoes. It's nothing too special, but it's not bad either. I feel like it is probably high in protein. Unfortunately there's 12 cups of it left. Either bulgur really expands to an absurd degree or G didn't measure correctly. I don't think I'll keep this recipe.

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