Chickpea Bajane, Cooking Light July 2010
Raspberry Buttermilk Sherbert, Food Network Magazine July/August 2010
Also pictured are samosas, which I didn't make, but my friends who joined me for lunch brought to share.
- The raspberries were too plentiful for my blender so the top layer didn't get mixed in easily
- I used frozen raspberries instead of fresh (they're going to get frozen later anyway, I figured), so the liquid:solid ratio was too small to allow proper mixing
- Also this meant that the end consistency was really thick, so I couldn't strain out the seeds
- I wanted to wipe out the inside of the ice cream maker quickly before pouring the mix in, but then the paper towel froze to the side of the container and was really hard to get off!
- The amount of ice cream was exactly the upper limit of the ice cream maker, so it was a little dicey.
Interestingly, it is served with cracked pepper on top. People were mixed on whether you could actually taste the pepper or if it was a good match.
Speaking of ice cream, I wanted to give a little plug for Susan's Ice Cream Essentials. Susan herself came to give out samples at our local Shaw's (why there??). I think it's only available in New England, but if you're here you should give it a try. It was tasty and she tries to make it with wholesome, natural ingredients and gluten free if you're into that kind of thing. Of course, if you have an ice cream machine, you can make whatever kind of ice cream from wholesome ingredients yourself. I don't normally eat much ice cream, but lately Hulu has been showing a ton of commercials for Skinny Cow and some other ice cream brand. Whenever I see them I'm not particularly tempted to go buy those brands, but it does make me tempted to go to the freezer and eat the ice cream that is already there. Haha. I don't think Hulu would be too pleased with that response.
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