Sunday, February 17, 2013

Month 1, day 1: Cous-cous stuffed chicken

This month I have 3 issues:

  • Food Network Magazine January/February 2010
  • Cooking Light January/February 2011
  • Food & Wine February 2011
Since February is already half over, I tried to select just a handful of recipes, but it was hard! So, I already think I will be pardoning some overlooked recipes each month instead of mercilessly throwing them all away at the end of each month.

Anyway, today I decided to make couscous-stuffed chicken to greet G when he came back from a day of snowboarding with friends. I timed it just right to account for his travel time. But then dinner was done and he wasn't here. And he wasn't responding to texts either. I decided to eat and keep his in the oven. He came back quite a bit later, and had already stopped to eat on the way home. Whoops, oh well. It was delicious though, so his loss!

Stuffed chicken is kind of a pain, but this might have been worth it. It's stuffed with a mix of couscous, tomatoes, feta, parsley, and lemon zest (I left out olives because they are disgusting!).  The rolls were bulging and dumping their contents everywhere while I tried to brown them in our cast-iron skillet. The skillet and I don't get along well. It's unseasoned and sticks to everything. But it's the only thing I have that can go from stove to oven. Before roasting, I tossed in the rest of the couscous mix that didn't fit in the rolls, and it was good-- it could have used more. While it was roasting (for just a while-- this is a quick meal once the chicken is assembled) I sauteed some kale for the side.

The lemon zest was clutch-- it made everything taste so fresh. The chicken was moist and everything was good. But in the end each roll was pretty small. I think 2 rolls would be a more reasonable serving size. As it was, there was enough for lunch leftovers, but if G had eaten dinner tonight, we probably would've finished it off. This recipe is a keeper.

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