Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Month 9 day 3: Autumn chili

Today I made:
Chipotle Turkey Chili with Apples and Cheddar, Every Day with Rachael Ray October 2011

We've been just flirting with fall weather, but in all other aspects it feels like fall has hit New England. The trees on my walk to work have changed color, squash and apples are filling the farmer's market boxes, and most everyone has taken a trip to go apple picking already. This soup is made for autumn with its apples, cider, cinnamon, and pumpkin seeds. It's a good recipe for people like me who just like to go instead of cutting and preparing everything in advance-- things are added one at a time so there's time along the way to prep things. By the end of 30 minutes (as claimed), this bowl of soup was ready. The dominant flavor was from the chipotles in adobo sauce (canned and available year-round, but used in two recipes this week-- I guess it's warming for cool weather?) There were a lot of other spices too--  full tablespoons each of coriander, cumin, and paprika as well as a big cinnamon stick-- but these didn't stick out so much. The liquid isn't added until basically the very end, which I thought was interesting, but I'm not sure if there's a particular reason why.
At the end I topped it with apple-smoked cheddar, but needed to add more! It's really good. I ate it with tortilla chips, but it would go really good with a fresh batch of cornbread too.

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