Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Month 9 day 4: Apple quesadillas

Today I made:
Brie, Apple, and Arugula Quesadillas, Cooking Light October 2010

We love the show "Modern Family," and one of G's favorite lines is when Cam says something about PB&J sandwiches: "pear, brie, and jambon." This kind of reminded me of that, even though it's apple instead of pear and I guess arugula instead of any meat, so I wanted to try it. We needed a light meal since we planned to go to our dorm's special Indian coffee hour. As it turns out, we lost track of time as I read "Cuckoo's Calling" and G played Diablo 3 and missed it. But after two quesadillas each we were pretty full anyway.

I was kind of sure that G wouldn't really care for this actually, as he doesn't care for mustard and when we were at the store he said that he doesn't like brie much. He was a good sport and ate his, and then we made another one without the mustard for him, with mostly mozzarella. I asked if I should still put arugula, and he said yes, but when he was eating it, he admitted that he doesn't really like arugula either. So basically, he would have just preferred to eat an apple! (>_<) So, we won't be saving this recipe... but maybe you will like it, as it is quite highly reviewed on CL's website.

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