Thursday, September 5, 2013

Month 8 day 5: Tacos

Today I made:
Tex-Mex Tacos, Every Day with Rachael Ray September 2011
Served with watermelon licuados made by G

This was just a standard taco recipe, although we used ground turkey instead of beef. I was surprised that there was no onion in the meat, just garlic, chili powder, oregano, and cumin. It tasted fine but was nothing special. If I remember correctly, growing up our tacos were made with beef, onion, and some chopped up potato! I would rather put some onion and potato in this dish. The benefit of this recipe is that it was done really really quickly! It basically just cooks for about 10 minutes, and otherwise it's just chopping whatever you're going to put in them. We put in green onion, lettuce, cilantro, tomato, pico de gallo, yogurt (it's kind of like sour cream), and cheese. Some avocado would have been nice too.
This was my first time buying hard taco shells maybe. Almost half of them were broken :-/
I should have eaten more than 2, because I am hungry again!

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