Friday, September 6, 2013

Month 8 day 6: Trout with raita and coconut rice

Today I made:
Arctic Char Trout with Cilantro-Yogurt Sauce, Cooking Light September 2010
Red Pepper-Coconut Rice, Cooking Light September 2010
Grilled Zucchini with Sea Salt, Cooking Light September 2011

These are all straightforward and fast recipes-- the rice takes the longest. The rice uses only coconut milk instead of water, which is a little strange. It didn't seem to be enough liquid and was basically all absorbed before the rice was soft. I ended up throwing in a few spoonfuls of water just to make sure things didn't burn to the pot. The trout just cooks in the grill pan a few minutes per side, same with the zucchini. The sauce is just a few things chopped up and mixed together.

Of these recipes, we'll just keep the rice recipe because G liked it. The others aren't really recipes I guess... check out the grilled zucchini recipe: 1 step, which is to season zucchini with EVOO, salt and pepper and cook it on a grill pan (although the recipe comes with variations that are more creative).

1 comment:

  1. I would think that Arctic Char would be closer to Salmon then trout. I guess they all are related.
