Sunday, April 28, 2013

Month 3 day 22: Ropa Vieja and Tres Leches Cake

Today I made:
More of yesterday's French toast
Cuban-Style Ropa Vieja, Saveur April 2012
Tres Quatro Leches Cake with Strawberries, Food and Wine 2011
with steamed zucchini

Saveur had an article about Ropa Vieja and gave two versions, Cuban- and Canaries-style. We went with this one-- the simpler of the two-- and it was very good. It took a while to cook, and our electric stove is so finicky that it ping-ponged between boiling and not simmering at all for the 2 hours that it cooked. But the meat shredded easily enough, and it was quite tasty. We will keep this recipe.

Unfortunately there is no picture for the cake, but it was good too. We made it fully on Saturday actually-- first the cake, then a mixture of cream, condensed milk, and evaporated milk with spices that gets poured over the cake-- and let it soak up until today. We did have a couple tastes along the way, both last night and earlier today. Earlier today it was so moist and nice. Then this evening we invited over some people from the dorm to share it with us so that we didn't feel pressure to eat the whole 9x13" cake ourselves, and luckily a few came and did good work on the cake. But the slice I had this evening was much drier. I don't know if that's just because it had been in the fridge for 24 hours, or if the slight tilt of the pan made a drought on one side and a flood on the other. Anyway, it still tasted fine, with just a hint of cinnamon, and more whipped cream on top along with strawberries and mango. So that was a success. And it wasn't all that complicated either-- somehow I had the idea that it was. Interestingly, the cake has no butter. I assume this is because the lack of butter is more than made up for later by all the other forms of dairy. But I always thought that butter was a key chemical component of the cake.

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