Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Month 3 day 6: Cream of Chicken and Leeks

Today I made:
Cream of Chicken and Leeks on buttered toast, Every Day with Rachael Ray April 2012

This seems like something you would get at a diner (G says "fancy diner"). It was supposed to be a 30-minute recipe but took a little longer-- maybe just because of the time it took to defrost the chicken.The chicken is poached in a  pan with a lemon, carrot, celery, and parsley and thyme. It smells and looks really good, but the flavors are subtle in the end. The leeks are sautéed in butter and then cooked with cream, wine, and broth from the poaching. A little bit of dijon goes in at the end and the flavor comes through strongly. G points out that the flavor of the sauce is pretty strong, and that's most of the flavor that comes through. In my case the toast immediately got soaked, but G's stayed crunchy and he liked the contrast of textures. You can't see it, but the toast has a Hello Kitty face burned in.

The toasters are advertised like this:

But really are a bit more like this:

Although if you turn it up high enough, it gives you a nice face on a backdrop of black char.

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