Thursday, March 28, 2013

Month 2 day 17: Lemon day

Today I made:
Fennel Salad with Lemon, Cooking Light March 2011
Lemon Potatoes, Food Network Magazine March 2010

We've been having a lot of heavy, meaty meals lately, so today's dinner was a bit of a respite.

The potatoes are doused with olive oil, lemon juice, spices, and simmered in water before going into the oven. They end up being soft, but a little bit brown and caramel-y.
The salad is just some things thrown together-- fennel, parsley, shallot, lemon, and goat cheese. The recipe called for Meyer lemons. I don't think I've ever tasted Meyer lemons myself, but I hear that they are very sweet and mild. Well, Shaw's doesn't carry Meyer lemons, they just carry "lemons" of uncertain origin. We bought a few anyway, but after tasting a bit of one it became apparent that they did not belong on top of a salad. I just used the wedges from one of the lemons, not all three called for in the recipe. Then, I cut some orange wedges into the salad instead of the other two lemons. It was pretty good-- tasted fresh, not heavy or too filling.
G thought it the potatoes were too lemony, so we should keep the salad recipe but not the potato recipe. I thought the potatoes were great, but the salad was blah. I feel like you don't really need a recipe for salad; you can just remember the idea of it. Maybe that's true for these potatoes too.

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