Sunday, May 12, 2013

A non-recipe day: sausage and peppers

Today we didn't plan to cook dinner, because we went to G's advisor's (huge, historical) house for a party. We had delicious BBQ for "linner," but by 8 or so G was feeling a little hungry and wanted something light. We looked in the freezer for inspiration and found Italian sausage, leftover tomato sauce, and bell peppers. We had bought some buns for Sloppy Joes later this week and had a couple of extra, so I decided to go with sausage with onions and bell pepper sandwiches, like they sell from carts all around Boston. Now that I google it, I guess they don't usually have tomato sauce too... but why not?? Just throw it all together, with some cheese too. Since we usually have bell peppers and sausage in the freezer and an onion in the pantry, it's a somewhat common nothing-around-the-house dinner for us (sans sauce), usually on top of pasta.

To make it, I just sautéed some sliced onions (which were prechopped leftovers in the fridge, incidentally) over medium heat until they started getting soft, then added some frozen bell pepper strips and ~1" chunks of defrosted Italian sausage. After browning the sausage I drenched it all in the tomato sauce and let it simmer, covered, until the sausage was cooked through. Then we toasted the buns and put on some Italian-blend shredded cheese (also from the freezer!) to melt and put it all together.
It doesn't look very neat and tidy, but it was good. The buns were a little small, so we just spilled it all over our plate. I also spilled salad dressing alllll over the table. :-P

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