Saturday, May 18, 2013

Month 4 day 10: Korean BBQ

Today I made:
Korean-style beef skewers with rice noodles, Cooking Light May 2010
with steamed green beans

Tonight I had planned to also make a bulgur salad, but there was no time. We only had about an hour to cook and eat before running out to watch "The Great Gatsby." This dish is very easy and quick, other than the marinating step. We used all of the burners: our biggest pot for the noodles, the next biggest for steaming the beans, a grill pan for the beef, and a small saucepan to boil the remaining marinade into a sauce. While all these other components were happening, the marinade on the beef got caramelized and a bit too dark, but I think this ended up making it extra flavorful too. The reserved and boiled marinade gets tossed with the noodles. Interestingly though, it doesn't all end up being the same flavor. The beef was spicy, but the noodles were very sweet. I wondered if the rice noodles have some inherent sweetness, or if I just didn't mix the sugar in well enough so it all stayed to the bottom after I removed the meat. Anyway, maybe it was a good move to distinguish the flavors a little.
G was a fan. He loves Korean BBQ. We will save this recipe.

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