Thursday, May 2, 2013

Month 4 day 2: Grilled Chicken with Herb and Nut Gremolata

Today I made:
Grilled Chicken with Mint (and Basil) and Pine Nut Pumpkin Seed Gremolata with Sugar Snap and Feta Cotija Salad, Cooking Light April 2010

What even is gremolata? Apparently it just has to have lemon zest and some random assortment of chopped herbs. I did a few substitutions tonight. I know I have pine nuts somewhere, but our freezer is packed and I couldn't find them. I substituted roasted pumpkin seeds instead, and they have a distinctive, nice flavor of their own that wasn't too far off. The gremolata recipe called for 1 cup of mint, but we didn't have that much. The column next to the recipe suggested that you could substitute basically any green herb, like cilantro or basil. We happened to have a huge bunch of basil about to go bad in the fridge, so I thought I could put it to use as a supplement to the mint. I think you could make out both flavors. They're not exactly complementary, but it gave an interesting mix. We didn't have feta, but we have a lot of leftover cotija, which is basically the Mexican version of feta, so I used that instead. We have been spending so much money on cheese in the past couple of weeks :-P It seems like each week we buy a new brick or two!

The recipes were straightforward and quick. It was pretty good too, although nothing too special. To be honest, I'd rather just eat snap peas raw as a snack than blanching them. We decided not to keep the recipe. It's more like an idea anyway.

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