Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Month 4 day 1: Sandwiches

Welcome to Month 4! I can't believe I'm now 1/4 of the way through the magazines. It doesn't look like that-- my shelf is still full. But I guess I have a nice little pile of cut up magazines waiting to be recycled too.
This week, I have five issues:
  • Food Network Magazine, May 2010
  • Cooking Light, May 2010
  • Food & Wine, May 2011
  • Every Day with Rachael Ray, May 2012
  • Saveur, May 2012 
I bookmarked a few too many recipes, so I won't get to all of them. Strangely, there are only a couple each from Rachael Ray and Saveur. Rachael just had a huge list of sandwich recipes, which aren't that exciting of a supper (I say although I made panini tonight :-P ). I flagged a ton of recipes from each of Food Network, Cooking Light, and Food & Wine, though. G will be gone for a good part of this month, so I probably won't be able to eat my way through too many recipes. Same for the entirety of June and July too!

Today we kept it simple and made:
Turkey Panini with Watercress and Citrus Aioli, Cooking Light May 2010
with baked yam fries
These sandwiches tasted good, but they weren't all that special. The citrus aioli is just mayo mixed with small amounts of lemon and lime zest and a bit of lemon juice, but it's so subtle (or just such small amounts) that you really can't taste any citrus in the sandwich. Mostly you could taste the peppery watercress and the actual pepper from the pepper-crusted turkey G picked out. So I don't think we'll save this recipe. Maybe if we used more zest it would be better. G got to break out his old George Foreman grill, which hasn't seen much use since he left his bachelor pad and moved in with me ;) He mostly used it for grilling sandwiches back then, not really for meat. So even before he knew we were making panini he pulled it out at the word "sandwich."

G got a big kick out of this needy sign at Market Basket today:
It probably reminds him of me, haha.

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