Thursday, May 30, 2013

Month 4 day 18: Pea-and-Bacon Risotto

Today I made:
Pea-and-Bacon Risotto, Food & Wine May 2011

That's not really how the pea shoots are supposed to be garnishing, I think.

I didn't follow this recipe exactly. I didn't measure out the bacon, I just used what seemed like a decent amount for me to eat over the next couple of days. My blender is in lab (we're having a smoothie day tomorrow), so I wasn't able to puree half of the peas. And I only had about half of the peas it called for anyway, so I just put them all in whole. I made the stock by finally using the two chicken carcases that have been in our freezer-- it is good to clear out that space. One of them was from the chicken I roasted earlier this week, and I kept the lemon and garlic and some of the skin in the freezer too, so that added some flavor, or at least some nice smell.
Risotto is always yummy, and this was no exception. It became hard to stir in the end because the pot was just barely big enough. What this meant is that the Parmigiano-Reggiano wasn't completely mixed in, so there were pockets of salty deliciousness. The other bites weren't as good. Probably this means I just should have put in extra Parmigiano-Reggiano :)
While I was cooking I watched the first episode of the Bachelorette. It was pretty funny. Some of the people on that show are pretty ridiculous....

This is a nice recipe. It made 6 servings, and I believe that's probably a correct estimate, because it's so filling. You can't possibly eat more than one bowl, even if you wanted to. And I still have leftover polenta and tabbouleh. That means this is the last recipe for May! I won't be needing to cook for a few more days probably :-P

May's best recipes:
My choice: Chickpea Stew and Tabbouleh
My guess for G's choice: Korean BBQ

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