Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Month 9 day 15: Pumpkin stuffed shells

Today I made:
Pumpkin Patch Stuffed Shells, Every Day with Rachael Ray October 2011

You know how women's magazines have started shortening random words? I can't really think of any examples, although I can think of a classmate who uses them often. Anyway, this one uses a new term: "Moms, youll [sic] love this meal because it has hidden health bennies." Who talks like this?? Anyway, Rachael Ray always includes one recipe that is meant to be a parent-child cooking adventure, and this is the one for the month. I guess kids are supposed to have fun stuffing the shells. I like the idea of kids starting to cook early. Actually, I learned how to make scrambled eggs very early on, and later Kraft Mac N Cheese and Top Ramen, which I made if I didn't like what everyone else was having. I also made my lunch, starting in first grade as far as I can recall. This surprises most people, but it didn't seem weird at the time. Instead, it meant that my lunch contained exactly the things that I wanted to eat-- usually half a turkey sandwich, yogurt, some crackers or carrots or something, and then a treat like gushers or fruit-by-the-foot. Anyway, I've heard of some families that bring the children in on the meal planning too-- each family member picks one dinner a week or something. It seems like a nice idea, although I'd be afraid you might end up eating corn dogs or something more than you'd like.

I thought these were pretty good, although ironically I found it distinctly un-fun to stuff like 30 shells. I'd rather just layer it in a lasagne or baked ziti way. I thought the flavors were good, although I deviated from the recipe a bit because I had extra chard to use up and I decided to halve the meat (we are eating too much meat this year!). G agrees that it was pretty good, but then said not to bother keeping the recipe. So I guess he didn't like it after all :-P Or at least not as much as yesterday's!

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